December 9, 2010

UK Gov arbitrarily decides that tuition's going to triple...

photo of the shitstorm from
...and then there's a riot!
Worse still, Monarchist Charles and his Steed were caught in the fray. Someone threw paint at their car.

A blow-by-blow liveblog coverage roundup can be found here, at the's website. It's pretty intense, I recommend a reading.

To quote everyone's favourite internet philosopher: 'What does it mean?'

Well, it means that student debt in the UK is going to be so absurdly high it'll either systemically halve the populations of post-secondary students, or it'll crash the economy as people sell their kidneys to pay for their English Lit degrees.

It also means that the entire House of Lords and Commons looked the other way at weeks of student protest and begging from a powerful electorate body.


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